Updated by Board Resolution March 31 2017, and January 30 2019 (youth ranks).

Age Requirements for Rank and Promotion

With the permission of the dojo cho, children who reach the age of thirteen or older may enter the ASU rolls as adult members. The highest rank they may enter with is sankyu.

The minimum age for testing for shodan (black belt) is 16.

Requirements for Kyu Promotion

The examination system in Aikido is not structured on competition. You will be graded on the following points.

  • Your understanding of basic technique appropriate to your level.
  • Your spontaneous movement and response appropriate for the attack.
  • Your ability to adapt your movement to the force of the attack.
  • The concentration and awareness you maintain throughout the examination.
  • Continuity of movement is important, not speed.
  • Confidence and courage are important, not ego.
  • Be prepared to uke for someone else of your same level during the examination period. You will be graded on your ukemi.

A technique should be demonstrated continuously both right and left until there is a signal to stop. Both irimi and tenkan movement should be used whenever applicable. You will be expected to know and respond to the Japanese terms. It is necessary to have completed the required number of days of training (each training day counts once, regardless of number of hours, in computing time requirements) and it is necessary that the waiting period between each examination has expired.

Please note, test technique requirements have not changed since edition 3 (2011) of the ASU Student Handbook.

Rokyu (30 days / 3 months)

  • Tenkan
  • Shomenuchi ikkyo and iriminage
  • Munetsuki kotegaeshi
  • Katate dori shihonage
  • Kokyu tanden ho

Gokyu (60 days / 4 months): All previous techniques plus

  • Shomenuchi nikyo
  • Kata dori ikkyo and nikyo
  • Munetsuki kaitennage

Yonkyu (60 days / 4 months): All previous techniques plus

  • Shomenuchi sankyo and yonkyo
  • Yokomenuchi ikkyo, kotegaeshi and iriminage
  • Ryote dori tenchinage and shihonage
  • Katate dori ryote mochi kokyu tanden ho

Sankyu (70 days / 4 months): All previous techniques plus

  • Ushiro ryokata dori ikkyo
  • Ushiro ryote dori shihonage
  • Ushiro kubi shime kotegaeshi
  • Ushiro waza kokyunage

Nikyu (80 days / 6 months): All previous techniques plus

  • Yokomenuchi nikyo, sankyo and yonkyo
  • Koshinage from shomenuchi, katate dori, yokomenuchi, and munetsuki
  • Hanmi handachi:
    • Katate dori shihonage
    • Ryote dori shihonage
  • Suwariwaza:
    • Shomenuchi ikkyo
    • Kata dori ikkyo
    • Yokomenuchi ikkyo

Ikkyu (90 days / 6 months): All previous techniques plus

  • Jiyu waza:
    • Standing
    • Hanmi handachi
    • Suwariwaza
  • Tanto dori:
    • Munetsuki
    • Shomenuchi
    • Yokomenuchi


Requirements for Yudansha Promotion

Aikido has a basic structure, kihon waza, which allows you to study the fundamental principles of the art. The structure of this training process is the same as a scientific formula. As a formula is an exacting international language that allows scientists to communicate and explore the depths of scientific principle, kihon waza is an international language allowing Aikidoka from all over the world to communicate and explore the basic truths of Aikido. If this basic structure is lost, Aikido is lost.

During the examination, you are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of the art through this very exacting structure of kihon waza, clearly and precisely, not your personal ideas or your personal expression. Yudansha examination is not performance art.

The following points are critical:

  • The execution of formal kihon waza, an understanding of its proper application and of the fundamental principles it demonstrates – most importantly kokyu; musubi; irimi tenkan
  • Hanmi at all times; before, during, at the conclusion of and following the technique
  • Control of your own center; control of your partner’s center; control of the technique
  • Application of power appropriate to the attack
  • The proper pinning technique to demonstrate the conflict is finished
  • Timing
  • Zanshin
  • Attitude
  • Martial Awareness

The Proper Role of Uke in Yudansha Examination

Taking ukemi for yudansha examination is a very serious responsibility. Each technique is developed to study a specific direction and application of force. As uke you must understand this and have the ability to give an honest, strong and focused attack that is appropriate for the technique required. A weak attack is unacceptable. A deceptive attack is unacceptable. Since you know the technique your partner is being asked to demonstrate it is easy to stop its execution.

There are no friends or enemies during examination. It is not uke’s job to make value judgments. You do not take uke to make your partner look bad. You do not take ukemi to make your partner look good. Do not jump into a spectacular fall if the power is not there. Do not make a point of taking a bored and resisting fall to make it look as though your partner didn’t really throw you. Either way is dishonest. Remember, you take ukemi to avoid injury. You are not taking ukemi to show off.  Uke must only do what is appropriate to the situation. This requires much training and much soul searching.

Time, Technique, and Attendance Requirements for Dan Promotion

Please note the words “consistent training” on the time requirements below. This is very important. The stated requirements are bare minimums intended to apply to students who train 4 to 5 days a week for some time before their test and make the effort to train directly under ASU senior instructors (ranked 6th Dan or above) at camps and seminars.

Promotion is not just a right acquired after a certain amount of time. It is a privilege and must be earned. Anyone not meeting these requirements must receive more training for the necessary maturity in rank so as to develop a deeper understanding, in order to be eligible for promotion.

The importance of attending seminars, intensives and camps are manifold. They

  • Improve technical skills through practice with different senior students, either as training partners or under their direction as senior instructors;
  • Encourage people to work with different people outside of their own dojo;
  • Introduce newer students into the greater Aikido world;
  • Give students a chance to train with an uchideshi of O-Sensei by having the opportunity to train under Saotome Sensei;
  • Develop relationships between junior and senior students, as well as with instructors;
  • Build relationships within the larger Aikido world: locally, nationally and internationally; and
  • Enable candidates to get to know the people who might be uke on their tests.

For seminars/Intensives and camps that fulfill the requirements below, please see the ASU Policies page. Click here for test application forms and additional resources.

Shodan (120 training days and 12 months after receiving Ikkyu)

The candidate must have attended at least two full seminars/intensives or one ASU camp as above since attaining ikkyu grade and within two years of the shodan test. It is the responsibility of the instructor planning to recommend a student for testing to inform the directors of qualifying seminars/camps of the candidacy, so that the student may be observed more closely.

All basic techniques and previous requirements plus:

  • Kumi tachi: First five basic kata
  • Tanto dori: A different technique from each – shomenuchi, yokomenuchi, tsuki, two different techniques from ushiro
  • Tachi dori: A total of five different techniques. Attacks will be shomenuchi, yokomenuchi, tsuki
  • Randori: Three people attacking

Nidan (Minimum 30 months and approximately 400 training days of consistent training after receiving Shodan)

Since attaining shodan rank and within two years of the scheduled examination date, the candidate must have at least attended three seminars/intensives or one ASU camp as above. It is the responsibility of the instructor planning to recommend a student for testing to inform the directors of qualifying seminars/camps of the candidacy, so that the student may be observed more closely.

All basic techniques and previous requirements plus:

  • Kumi tachi: First twelve basic kata
  • Kumi jo: First six basic kata
  • Randori: Three people attacking with shinai

Sandan (Minimum 3 1/2 years of consistent training after receiving Nidan)

Since attaining nidan rank and within two years of the scheduled examination date, the candidate must have at least attended three seminars/intensives or one ASU camp as above.

All basic techniques performed to demonstrate more understanding of the relationship of basic principle to the technique with maturity and clarity.

ASU Requirements for Testing and Promotion (PDF) ASU Test Techniques Quick Reference Card (PDF)

Requirements for Senior Yudansha Promotions (Kagami Biraki)

The Kagami Biraki group, composed of the ASU 7th dans, has the responsibility of recommending promotions for 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dan to Hombu Dojo on an annual basis. We look to ensure the quality of ASU Aikido into the future and also to encourage the positive development and appropriate promotion of ASU members and instructors.

The Kagami Biraki Committee reviews all current ASU members who are actively studying Aikido as our members reach the minimum time in grade requirements. We do not accept direct requests for rank. Sensei and dojo cho may recommend a candidate eligible for rank to the committee for consideration. Decisions on current year promotions are made in July. The annual promotions by recommendations list with all associated paperwork will be completed and turned into the ASU administrator by September 30. Hombu will return a list of accepted Kagami Biraki promotions in late November. Promotions are announced early in the new year.

In the ASU Newsletter of January 1986 Saotome sensei published an article about dan ranks. Here is his opening statement:

“Yudansha ranking is given for many reasons, not just technical ability. Just because a person receives a certain yudansha rank does not mean that he or she has attained that ability at that moment. It means that I feel the person is on the threshold and will grow into that rank with the pressures of added responsibility.

Of course, receiving a promotion to any yudansha rank presupposes a certain technical proficiency. But this alone is not enough. My eyes see differently when I watch a student practice. I see that student’s personality as well as his or her growth. I often know what kind of special difficulties the student has had to overcome. I have a good idea how much that person has done for his or her group, how much responsibility has been shouldered and how much he or she has done to help others. I know that person’s social and spiritual growth and leadership abilities.

I’ve been asked many times how a student should train and with what goals in mind for each yudansha level. Most of this cannot be put into words and must come from the individual student’s heart as he or she grows in understanding; but I can give you a little guidance.”

Kigami Biraki Promotion Requirements

For promotions at all levels, time in grade requirements must be met and ASU membership must be current. Time in grade requirements list both minimum years and minimum hours of training (one hour maximum per day). The training requirement approximates 3 days per week training plus seminars attended to be eligible in the minimum years. People who are unable to train as frequently will require more years to become eligible for promotion.

Please understand these are minimum requirements. As Saotome Sensei has stated, time alone is not enough for development in Aikido, and the same holds true for the promotion process. The Kagami Biraki board considers candidates individually and will take each person’s situation into account. Note: During the COVID-19 pandemic ASU has relaxed the training requirements somewhat, provided the technical requirements are met.

Seminar participation

It is crucial to the success of Aikido Schools of Ueshiba, the organization, and to the transmission of Saotome Sensei’s Aikido, that senior rank aikidoka attend seminars. Students of all ranks need to practice with senior students. Our aiki inheritance is passed down by working with others.


The Kagami Biraki group does not directly address sandan ranking. However it is the basis for all the ranks we are considering. For sandan, students must demonstrate basic competence in all classical aikido techniques and weapons kata. Any promotion above sandan must show development in understanding of all basic aikido techniques and weapons kata.


The minimum time in grade for students to be eligible for consideration for yondan promotion by the Kagami Biraki Committee is 4 years and 640 hours since their last Aikikai promotion date. Yondan promotion may also be made under the auspices of a 7th dan normally involved with the dojo and candidate who knows the person’s qualifications. In this case, the 7th dan uses the normal ASU promotion form and procedure.

Here is Saotome Sensei’s statement about yondan: The student must discover the philosophy of aiki principle and how it relates to technique. The technical form must be deeply refined according to this understanding and the student must seriously begin to develop the art of training others. Personal training is not enough. The student must understand social responsibility.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Does the person show evidence of aiki change and growth?
  • Does this person support and help their local aikido study?
  • Do Kagami members see this person regularly?

Godan and above

Saotome Sensei’s statement about godan applies to all upper ranks:

One must make aiki principle a direct part of his or her life, developing an awesome spirit, leadership qualities and the spiritual and social application of aiki principle. A complete spontaneity of technique must develop which is no longer technique but the principle which underlies technique. There must be, at this point, a complete dedication to the art and a great social and spiritual growth. A growth which produces not a narrow local concern for one dojo or one area, but an active concern for all students and all people of the world. Throughout all these years of training, your physical, mental, social and spiritual understanding and power must steadily progress. The spontaneous application of aiki must progress. If you stop training on any one of these levels, your aikido will no longer grow. Just putting in your time has no meaning. The quality and intensity of your training, the discoveries you make each day, these things have meaning. You must train hard and discover the answer for yourself.


The minimum time in grade for members to be eligible for consideration for promotion to godan is 5 years and 800 hours since their last Aikikai promotion date.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Does the person show evidence of aiki change and growth?
  • Does this person support and help aikido study?
  • Do Kagami members see this person regularly?


The minimum time in grade for members to be eligible for consideration for promotion to rokudan is 6 years and 960 hours since their last Aikikai promotion date. They must also be over 33 years old.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Does the person show evidence of aiki change and growth?
  • Is this person regarded as technically authoritative in their region?
  • Does this person support and help aikido study?
  • Do Kagami members see this person regularly?
  • Is the person actively involved in ASU activities and events?


Members who have practiced at least 12 years since their Aikikai promotion date are eligible to be considered for nanadan.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Does the person show evidence of aiki change and growth?
  • Does this person communicate well and inspire others?
  • Does this person strongly desire to see ASU aikido improve?
  • Do Kagami members see this person regularly?
  • Is the person widely recognized throughout the ASU and broader aikido communities?

“True Budo is a work of love. It is a work of giving life to all beings, and not killing or struggling with each other.”

Updated by motion of the ASU Board of Directors 7/5/2022