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Chicago Aikikai is proud to present a special two-7th dan instructor seminar on June 9th – 11th.
This is one of four nanadan (7th dan) instructor pairings around the U.S. under the umbrella “Bringing Saotome Sensei’s Legacy Forward” sponsored by Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (ASU). The theme of our June seminar is “Spontaneous Adaptation to Changing Circumstances“.
We are excited to bring the two 7th dan instructors Robin Cooper (Aikido of Madison) and Tres Hofmeister (Boulder Aikikai). This is a unique opportunity to learn from highly dedicated instructors who trained with Mitsugi Saotome Sensei from his earliest years in this country.
Preregistration is required. Attendance limited to 40, so please register before the space runs out.
Vaccination and bivalent booster are required (unless proof of exception provided). Masks optional but may be subject to change.
Registration and more details are available here. Any questions, please reach out to info@nullchicagoaikikai.org. We’re looking forward to seeing you for training.