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Fall seminar focusing on internal power…(and the world famous Chili Cook Off).

No one has worked harder to articulate the link between our capabilities ( “internal Power”) than Hiroshi Sensei. World Wide he has raises the bar for everyone, especially experienced Aikidoka, on the link between connection, and how it determines the underlying realities that actually power efficient Aikido technique. Intention, a deeper musubi, or a broader understanding of what supports mechanics … Ikeda Sensei is there to direct understanding. And, he likes Chili.

Put this seminar on your calendar!

All information at Shindai.com

Friday/6:30-8:30 — Sat/ 10:00 – Noon & 2:30 – 4:30 The Chili Cook off – 6:00 Sun/ 10:00 – Noon.

Full Seminar ($150.00) includes the Chili Cook Off. All you can eat.