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Bringing Saotome Sensei's Legacy Forward Banner

Aikido Schools of Ueshiba and Aikido of Missoula
invite you to a special seminar

October 13th–15th, 2023

Chuck Weber, Sensei, Seventh Dan

Chuck Weber, Sensei, Seventh Dan


Dan Messisco, Sensei, Seventh Dan

 Dan Messisco, Sensei, Seventh Dan

Embodying an Aiki Presence

“Just putting in your time has no meaning. The quality and intensity of your training,
the discoveries you make each day, these things have meaning”

—Mitsugi Saotome Shihan

Aikido of Missoula is pleased to host Chuck Weber, Sensei and Dan Messisco, Sensei in one special co-taught event. This seminar will be the fourth of four high-level instructor pairings around the country under the umbrella “Bringing Saotome Sensei’s Legacy Forward,” sponsored ASU. These events offer opportunities for the membership to learn from highly skilled practitioners whose long term dedication to Aikido includes personal experience with Saotome Sensei from his earliest years in the United States. Please visit www.aikidomissoula.com for information on how to register. Grants are available. We hope to see you there!