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This seminar will focus on Body/Mind principles of Aiki for an intensive 2 days of training.
These skills will be broken down into discrete blocks of instruction and then attendees will learn how to
combine these skills and apply the principles in the Aikido Kihon Waza. The Sunday session may be devoted to
Aiki sword training. This seminar will be limited to 20 people. Please register early if you want a guaranteed
Scheduled classes will be: SAT 10AM -1PM & 3PM – 6PM / SUN 10AM- 1PM

*Payment can be made via paypal. Please send payment to aikidoofmarshall@nullgmail.com

Links will also be posted on our Facebook page, Aikido of Marshall using EventBrite.

Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aikido-seminar-with-george-ledyard-shihan-tickets-50891072568

Aikido of Marshall: https://www.aikidoofmarshall.org