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This event is limited to 30 attendees. As of 10/1 the event is half full. If you wish to attend, you should register as soon as possible.
Instructors: John Messores 7th Dan & George Ledyard 7th Dan
December 2nd to 5th 2022 Shindai Dojo in Orlando

Focused on the Aikido of Mitsugi Saotome Shihan Minimum 6 Hrs. per Day Training Open to all ASU Dojo-Cho and Yudansha actively teaching classes (or by instructor permission)
This is the first of a series of intensive workshops focused on the Aikido of Mitsugi Saotome Shihan taught by his direct students, George Ledyard and John Messores. This is intended to be an instructor level series focused on transmitting Saotome Sensei’s Aikido as it was passed to us. This first intensive in the series will focus on martial integrity and application in one’s practice. It will involve both empty hand and weapons work. We will be trying to emulate the way we were trained by Saotome Shihan when he was focused on creating future teachers.

Limit of 30 Attendees
Cost: $325.00