If you have trouble logging into the ASU.org system, please first verify that you are using the right credentials.  You will have been issued a username based on your dojo’s name (e.g. “shobukan”, or “aikido_maine”) which you should use to log in, or alternatively you (or your dojo administrator) has set up a “Dojo Cho Email Address” which you can also use to log in.  This login and email address might not exactly match your public email address, or the public name of your dojo listed in the directory!  These credentials will be displayed on your Dojo Directory Profile page upon successful login, as well as an option to generate / update a new password.

If you still cannot log in, please recovering your password by entering your Dojo Cho Email Address in the form below, and a temporary password will be sent to you.

Once you have established your credentials, please record them in a safe place; treat them like legal documents that you don’t want to lose.