ASU Grant Application - Dojo Cho Support

    As our organization develops and strives to better serve our general membership, we have established the ASU Camp Grant program. The goal is to support our general membership through a financial grant program intended to help ASU members attend camps who otherwise could not attend due to financial restraints. Our Application process has two important parts. The student’s application and your support application. Grants are awarded based on need and merit. The candidate must have demonstrated dedication by consistent training and contribution to the dojo community.

    Does the student attend seminars at your dojo?

    Does the student attend regional seminars?

    Does the student currently receive any financial assistance?

    If so, please briefly explain.

    Please tell us about your dojo member. Give your opinion of the candidate’s attitude toward training and toward both those junior and senior in rank and why they would be a good person to receive a grant. Explain their dojo role and responsibilities, the support given to the dojo and how they contribute to the dojo community.

    Is there anything else you want to share that can help us make our decision?

    If we are only able to meet a portion of your members stated need would your dojo help them with the rest or do you think your dojo members would help.