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Friday August 9th – Sunday August 11th
George Ledyard Sensei, Aikido 7th Dan and direct student of Mitsugi Saotome Shihan

This three day block of instruction will focus on the aiki sword work of Mitsugi Saotome Shihan. We will cover the 12 Kumitachi of Saotome Sensei that are required for testing up to Nidan in detail. Also, we will provide principle based instruction on Saotome Sensei’s  Two Sword Forms, along with daily work with the shinai (bamboo swords).

This training is open to any student of Aikido who has solid basic sword skills. All affiliations are welcome.

Required equipment:
bokken and shinai (leather covered)

3-Day Sword Intensive Schedule
Time Subject
Friday 9:00 am – Noon Kumi-tachi 1 – 5
6.0 hrs Lunch
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Two Sword
4:15 – 6:00 pm Kumi-tachi 1 – 5
Saturday 9:00 am – Noon Kumi-tachi 1 – 5
6.0 hrs Lunch
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Two Sword
4:15 – 6:00 pm Kumi-tachi 6 -12
Sunday  9:00 am – Noon Kumi-tachi 6 – 12
6.0 hrs Lunch
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Kumi-tachi 6 – 12
4:15 – 5:30 pm Two Sword
5:30pm Dan Testing