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Oberlin Aikikai is happy to announce the annual Oberlin Fall Seminar with Chuck Weber Sensei – October 11 – 13, 2019.

Chuck Weber Shihan is returning to Oberlin after his last visit at the 40th Anniversary of Oberlin Aikikai. He started Aikido in 1975 in Denver, Colorado, with Seiji Tanaka sensei of Waseda University and Tomiki Aikido. He was introduced to Mitsugi Saotome Sensei by Hiroshi Ikeda Sensei and Glenn Bluestone. In 1981, he moved to Washington, D.C., where in 1988 Saotome sensei asked him to start a dojo with Charles Page in Baltimore. In addition to receiving the rank of Nanadan (7th dan), Chuck Weber Sensei has been given the Ueshiba Juku designation by Mitsugi Saotome Shihan. It translates as “academy of the Founder” and recognizes that the recipient has shown exceptional leadership in transmitting the teachings of O’Sensei and is a true inheritor of the teachings of O’Sensei through Saotome Shihan. Chuck Weber Sensei currently teaches at Baltimore Aikido.

Join us for Gasshuku on the following days:

Friday October 11th, 7-9 p.m.,

Saturday October 12th, 10-12 p.m. and 3-5 p.m.,

Sunday October 13th, 10-12 p.m.

Cost $110 for the seminar, or $30 per class.

Address: Hales Gym, Oberlin College, 180 W Lorain St. Oberlin, OH 44074

Send preregistration info to oberlinaikikai@nullyahoo.com  or call 216-392 2274