ASU Grant Application

    The ASU Grant program exists to help members who otherwise would be unable to attend camps due to financial constraints. Please fill in all the questions on the form. You will need to estimate costs to fill in the application accurately. If you are applying before a camp registration is online you can use costs based on previous year’s rates. Grants are awarded to assist with travel, lodging based on double occupancy, and seminar fee. Please confirm that your Instructor is submitting a recommendation for you to complete your application process.

    Please check the Camp you are most interested in attending

    Briefly describe your aikido practice and relationship to the dojo.

    Do you attend seminars at your dojo?

    Do you attend regional seminars?

    Do you currently receive any financial assistance?

    Please tell us about this and why you are applying for this Grant.

    Is there anything else you would like to tell us that can help in our decision?

    The maximum Grant is $1500 and we will utilize our funding as best as we can. We ask that you do your best to estimate your needs. Please minimize expenses by staying with friends or driving if possible.

    Travel / Airfare


    Camp Fee

    If we are only able to meet a portion of your stated need would you still consider attending?

    If you answered Maybe can you tell us what factors you considered and if there are other ways we could help.